Welcome to Fastrak Construction Management LLC

Call Us Now
(815) 207-4130

3077 W. Jefferson Street,
Suite 103
Joliet, IL 60435


Our Services

Construction Management is a professional services discipline applied to the planning, design and construction phases of a project

Fastrak Construction Management addresses the needs of the Project Owner by providing management expertise and services tailored specifically to their project.

We integrate project controls procedures to manage the critical issues of Cost, Quality Assurance, Scope Control, and Schedule Adherence.

Construction Management Summary

Fastrak Construction Management (CM) provides the project Owner with specialized knowledge, experience and resources to navigate through the complexities of a construction project.

Our services may be tailored to satisfy the needs of the novice or sophisticated Owner. Fastrak CM adds value by providing the resources and expertise needed to manage quality, cost, schedule, scope, documentation and the risks associated with construction to help the Owner achieve their objectives.

Under the Owner – CM Agent agreement Fastrak Construction Management is your “eyes and ears” throughout all phases of the project. Fastrak CM assumes the position of professional advisor or extension of staff to the Owner. The Owner holds the contracts, and certain cost and performance risk can be placed on the Craft Contractors. In this agreement we are in a position to offer advice unencumbered by any interests other than those of the Owner and the project. The term agency infers, as is intended, a delegation of function to the CM by the project Owner

Fastrak Construction Management can augment your existing project staff.

We can provide a Construction Management team inclusive of all functions and disciplines required to properly execute your project or, we can supplement an existing project team where critical functions may be vacant. In the latter scenario, Fastrak Construction Management may not be the “Construction Management lead” on a specific project however; we would provide support employees in the areas of Planning, Scheduling, Field Coordination, Document Control, Procurement, Material Management, Administrative Assistants and Cost Control as examples.

Contact Fastrak Construction Management and we will discuss your project with you to determine which of our services would benefit the project execution.

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